Ruth Jordon
Red Tree Theatre
Ruth's association with the Central Coast goes back fifty years, resulting in her move to the region 35 + years ago. Since then she has worked locally, as well as in Newcastle and Sydney. Her work has focussed primarily on community development, service planning and funding, social justice and managing and leading teams. Her work has encompassed roles in local and state government and the not for profit sector. Despite no longer living in the Central Coast, she has maintained strong links with the region through her paid and unpaid work, and through her 35 - year active membership of Wyong Drama Group.

Red Tree Theatre
Elderslee Foundation is registered charity via the ACNC. Number: 13000397080
Step into an intense and electrifying world
by Arthur Miller
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
by Oscar Wilde
Experience the magic of Broadway
An unforgettable image of tenderness and compassion
by Andrew Bovell
Directed by Julie Bailey
A modern romantic comedy about a marriage and a dog
by A R Gurney
Directed by Debbi Clarke